I Enjoy reading lots of graphic novels I proably fit under the cliche of being a Marvel enthusiast. Why is this relevent you ask? Alot of Marvel comics deal with the theme of science fiction for example monsters from outer space, the super heros how they got there powers etc. This is probably considered over the top Science fiction that goes all out to impress on the visuals and the empahasis on actions.
Most people consider Marvel graphic novels to be what kids would read, but there are a load of adult orientated graphic novels even a few Spiderman ones dive into the more mature Gritty nature. Marvel Comics is all about over the top characters with ridiculous powers that are able to fight monsters and things from outerspace.
Galactus (Marvel Villian)
A giant robotic man that can destroy whole planets and is the master of the silver surfer.
Wanting to broaden my horisions in the world of graphic novels particulally science fiction.I stumbled across one called Orbiter. I havent read it yet but just liek the premise of it. As it has been out of stock on websites for a while.
Warren Ellis and Colleen Doran's acclaimed original Vertigo graphic novel. When a space shuttle crash lands on Earth after being missing for a decade, it unlocks a mystery that will unfold deep in outer space. Can a team of three specialists cheated out of their dream of spaceflight discover the nature of this bizarre space-borne anomaly?
This comes under the category of hard science fiction which isn't you guns blazing space battling Star Wars, Its more a genre for thought provoking more mature themes within the realm of science fiction. Like 2001 A Space Oddessy, Blade Runner and Moon
Moon is about a lone man on a space station on the moon, with a robitc helper as he carries out his daily duties of minning resources for earth on it. It realise on character building and plot and is a very thought provocking film. Thus making it classfied as a hard science fiction. Even portrayed in two locations the moon surface itself and the sation it does well at developing the character and his emotion whilst working with no other human interaction.