Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Flying Saucer Men From Beyond

This is my attempt at a B Movie poster. I actually really like how it turned out and it has the cheesy 1950's look and feel about it.
The storyline Ive thoguht of is the typical affair were Men/Aliens Come to earth in scaly costumes with laser guns threatening to take over earth and one hero has to bravely save the day and be heroic.

Time To get Nostaligic.

I really love old cheesy B Movie Science Fiction movies.

Mainly because there over the top ridculous effects you just laugh at but still find good.
Hamy Acting thats fun to watch because its so bad.

I like all elments that make a B movie Sci Fi here are a few psoters of some of my favourite films.

An article about the late great Herman Stein who composed most of the music for the 1950's and 60's B Movies. 


Planets and crazy Trippyness

Basically Ive now created my own solar system called Septar. All my Planets are based of Egyption Deities. Here below is the image of them all together as one collective,

The Trippyness comes in the form of a motion graphics of some science fiction related abstractions I did,  here is an image from a scene in my motion graphics short film. I didn't upload it to the web but it is included on the DVD for Submission Along with my slideshow of my work.