Monday, 28 March 2011

Can I create futuristic looking photography?

after coming up with initial ideas about my perceptions of the future and what is dwelling in my imagination. I am know going to focus on Photography experimenting with taking photographs of everyday objects and buildings and seeing if i can make them look futuristic. I will use various Photoshop filters and a software called Photmatix. This software allows you to create HDR images( High Dynamic range). I have a little bit of knowledge of the software but haven't actually experimented with it much.

Here is an example of HDR Photography

It has an over exaggerated look as if it was a painting it kind of reminds me of old fashioned sci fi movies of the past.

My first attempt at HDR of my bedroom door

My first attempt at creating a futuristic looking bedroom door. To create this I used the program mentioned earlier Photomatix below is my working process.

The Working Process

Photo one is exposed normally.

Photo two is exposed at +1

Photo three is exposed at -1

After takeing the photos and uploading them onto my computer. Photomatix then imported my three photos at there different exposures into the software and merges them into one.

Having done this you are free to mess around with different sliders to create desired effects and the result I got is the first of the images above.

this is the first of many experiments I will be doing involving this technique. The use of Photomatix and Photoshop filters will meen I can prduce loads of different photos in futiristic and creative ways.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Robot concept design

Here is a conceptual drawing I did of a robot. I think this idea is what would like a robot to look like?

Short Story 2 Robotics Factory

The Robotics factory

the day begins to awaken as the sun rises over the metropolis of the bustling city. many commuters already on there way to work. The high speed monorail links the whole city in a network. they hang high above the city scape, with stops just about anywhere. one of the major stops is the Robo industries robotics factory. This place produces tones of newly built robots every day that have to be vigorously tested to there highest standard and fit the tasks they are built to do. Whether that be a household robot or one built for business purposes. The factory floor is alive with the sound of walking robots who were built for the sole purpose of operating machinery to build more robots. Scientists congregate in the canteen having there morning coffees before venturing into there labs to do tests on the newly built robots. Me however I work up top surveying the creations from above. the robotics industry is tough with thousands of them being requested each day. we have to compete with other companies who also stride to build faster more responsive units that are up to the tasks of daily life in the city and suburbs. The robots are built with half circular heads and necks that look like they are coiling down towards the main body. the body is oblong shaped and leads to legs and feet made of the same material. Claws and grabbers are attached to the robots arms, sturdy enough to pick things up. Some critics say this industry is making the world a much more lazier society but I say"if it makes peoples lives allot more easier and the technology is readily available to them then why not use it". The robots march in single file towards there stations like army soldiers knowing there tasks in hand.If any robot fails they get deactivated immediately and sent back for more vigorous testing. each robot is assigned different personalities depending on the specifications we are given buy our clients. Its an ever changing world and robotics is just the begining of wonderful innovative technologies that will emerge.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Blinky Short Film

This is a short Science Fiction film. It is about a family who buy a robot helper called Blinky for there sons birthday.  The film is aproximatley twelve minutes but in that time it posses a lot of questions about the subject of robots and lifes drama in general.
When a friend recomended me seeing this it got me thinking if this sort of thing could be possible.The homes in Blinky still look the same as now in the present, except for a few technological changes. For instance a TV screen or projection  that goes across the whole wall, The kid in the film seems to using at one point a futuristic version of what looks to be something similar to an Ipad. So could robotics be a plausable soloution in the future or does this film take it way out of the norms of reality?

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Questionnaire about the future

House To The Future Short Story 1

Houses are controlled by complex robotic systematics and computing. Almost all the houses in our neighborhood have them. The sky was littered with the flow of traffic from flight of cars. I was not far from home as I looked down out of my window down at the four wheeled cars below on the road surface. I arrived home pulling up to my house in my Hyperdrive 200 flying car. I sat the car down "turn engine off". with that the engine shut off and the doors opened oout like bird wings.  No body was home yet being a 3D photographer I am not tied down to a set schedule. My wife was using the space monarails to go soppping with her freinds today. So its up to me to pick up the kids. Computer systems know when someone enters the house"Good afternoon Mr Clayton". I walked towards the kitchen as I ordered our Electro 900  computer system to get me a coffee. " Would you like cream with that" I looked over and replied to it. All appliances can be connected to this system, Which will allow the computer to take control of that product when asked to. The coffee machine went to work pouring me a milky coffee with cream. I went over to our lounge and sat in our hover recliner chair. Depending on what mood I am in, means either I can have it stationary on the floor or can activate its hoover function. This is through voice activation. Most products around the house that are not connected to the main computer can be commanded, with the use of your voice. Even our bed can hover whilst you sleep, if you so desire it too. I sat down on the hover chair but didn't activate it and put on my 3D glasses and switched on the TV. I sat there watching the space board championships whilst sipping on my piping hot coffee.