after coming up with initial ideas about my perceptions of the future and what is dwelling in my imagination. I am know going to focus on Photography experimenting with taking photographs of everyday objects and buildings and seeing if i can make them look futuristic. I will use various Photoshop filters and a software called Photmatix. This software allows you to create HDR images( High Dynamic range). I have a little bit of knowledge of the software but haven't actually experimented with it much.
Here is an example of HDR Photography
It has an over exaggerated look as if it was a painting it kind of reminds me of old fashioned sci fi movies of the past.
My first attempt at HDR of my bedroom door
My first attempt at creating a futuristic looking bedroom door. To create this I used the program mentioned earlier Photomatix below is my working process.
The Working Process
Photo one is exposed normally.
Photo two is exposed at +1
Photo three is exposed at -1
After takeing the photos and uploading them onto my computer. Photomatix then imported my three photos at there different exposures into the software and merges them into one.
Having done this you are free to mess around with different sliders to create desired effects and the result I got is the first of the images above.
this is the first of many experiments I will be doing involving this technique. The use of Photomatix and Photoshop filters will meen I can prduce loads of different photos in futiristic and creative ways.
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